
ICX Media

ICX Media

The Product

ICX Media has two platforms: Enterprise and Creator platform. Enterprise clients are able to analyze their videos across all major social networking platforms, find creators to help create content as well as promote to new audiences to grow their reach. The Creator platform is for content creators and social media influencers that are growing on You Tube, Instagram, Fadcebook, etc.

I led the concept, design and implementation of these software data inspired storytelling products. I am responsible for leading and managing a heuristic evaluation of initial concept, information architecture, wire framing, user flows, high fidelity mock ups, and prototyping. Also in my process, I did many rounds of user testing, design research and competitive analysis. I conducted user testing and user interviews with numerous creators to see and understand what they would expect in a product. I am also responsible for directing feature creation, ideation, and updating requirements for implementation.


Information Architecture

Understanding the navigation and directing the users where to go is the key componant to a product that is new to the market and does not have many competitors. Pouring out all of our ideas into a meeting, features, problems, nice to haves, and then grouping them together to see where we can begin to group ideas and make more sense of the wide spread scope.

Feature creation and ideation. What are the problems? How do we solve for them?

Feature creation and ideation. What are the problems? How do we solve for them?

Whiteboarding wireframe and concept ideas.

Whiteboarding wireframe and concept ideas.


Wireframing begins

Having completed a heauritistic evalutaion and working with the stakeholders and product team, we decide what is priority to work on first. The Enterprise platform was top priority and I began a complete redesign of the existing product. It is truly exciting to have the opportunity to redesign a product to make all necessary enhancements and users flows. Taking a prodcut that was built by engineers and developers, this was a huge undertaking to redesign. The team was amazing and we worked well together to implement new concepts and establish new processes.



  • Understand the viewing habits of your target audience or subscribers. The digital video platforms to give you insights into what engages your audience

  • Identify the interests of any unique audience segment to understand what they are viewing and engaging with.

  • Understand how content is resonating with your target audience or subscribers. Proprietary data science can reveal how audiences feel about specific topics, creators, and brands.

  • Understand the demographic breakdown for your owned audience.

Gray scale wireframe designs for Dashboard View.

Gray scale wireframe designs for Dashboard View.

High Fidelity mock up for Dashboard View.

High Fidelity mock up for Dashboard View.


Prototyping and High fidelity Designs

Creating protoypes was also a key part of the design process. This helped prove if ideas actually worked or did not work. How do we know what the behavior will be? What happens next? What is the animation? Being able to answer these questions was a major selling point to communicate with stakeholders, the product team and developers.